Nikon Z7 sensor gets tested by DxOmark
DxOmark published the Nikon Z7 sensor test results:
It’s interesting that the Nikon Z 7’s sensor produces results that are similar but not identical to the D850’s. It’s possible that some of the differences can be attributed to the presence of phase-detection autofocus pixels on the imaging sensor.
The Z 7 performs well across the board, and the combination of a high pixel count (which enables it to record a lot of detail) and the sensor’s excellent color depth means that it is capable of producing images that are very pleasing to the eye. Factor in the excellent dynamic range, and the Z 7 looks like a good choice of camera for landscape photographers, wedding photographers, and keen amateurs alike.
Nikon Z Lens Adapters – Mount Various Lens Mounts on your Nikon Z!
Our new line of Nikon Z lens adapters allow you to mount various lens mount types on your Nikon Z camera, unlocking a world of imaging possibilities!
Fotodiox currently offers 15 different Nikon Z adapters, including: Canon EOS, Canon FD, Contax/Yashica, Hasselblad V, Leica M, Leica R, M42, Minolta MD, Nikon G, Olympus OM, Pentax K, Pentax 645, PL, and Sony A-mount.
New video showing the autofocus performance of the Techart E to Z adapter
via Camoor
GもツァイスもこれでZカメラに使えるんですよ!#cpplus #cpプラス
— だい@なんだかおもしろい (@nandakaomo) February 28, 2019
TECHART TZE-01(ソニーEマウント→ニコンZマウント変換アダプター)AF動作チェックの動画をもう一本アップ。
これ見てZ7やZ6に興味持ってもらえたらいいなって。#cpplus #cpプラス #CPplus2019 #CPプラス2019
— だい@なんだかおもしろい (@nandakaomo) February 28, 2019