Poke Fun: Matt Granger tests the Nikon’s Full Frame DSLR Killer!
Digital cameras are dead 🙂
Digital cameras are dead 🙂
Directly from the Christmas rumor Peter Gregg talks about the upcoming Nikon Mirrorless 🙂
Tony and Chelsea Northrup do think Olympus, Panasonic and Pentax are now in big trouble. Also, they believe Sony will still have a competetivie advanatge in the short-mid term. But I guess Nikon and Canon fellowship will not agree with their analysis 🙂
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Here is a rendered and probably not 100% accurate comparison between the new Nikon FF mirrorless and the Fuji GFX. It has to be seen if the new Nikon mount gives us enough room to fit a small medium format sensor inside….what do you think?
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