First image of the Nikon 58mm f/0,95 lens

This is the Noct 58mm f/0,95 lens that will be launched in 2019! It has an OLED screen too just like the Zeiss Batis:

Nikon Z preorder links:
Nikon Z7 at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon Z6 at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon 24-70mm at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon 35mm at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon 50mm at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon FTZ adapter at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.

Nikon Z: Watch the live video now!

Nikon Z preorder links:
Nikon Z7 at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon Z6 at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon 24-70mm at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon 35mm at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon 50mm at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.
Nikon FTZ adapter at BHphoto, BestBuy, Amazon, Adorama, Calumet Germany. WexUk. Jessops. CameraPro.


Nikon mirrorless vs Sony mirrorless. (FULL FRAME) … what do you think/ who’s going to win?

Nikon is launching their mirrorless camera system and Sony is about to be challenged in the space. Sony has been on top for so long with the mirrorless camera battle but thats just because they have been the only ones taking it serious. Well that is all changing with the Nikon mirrorless camera 2018 release, due in just a few days. The Nikon mirrorless camera specs seem to be right up there with the Sony A9 and could maybe even beat it. They are even bringing out a new Nikon mirrorless mount called the Z mount. The first two cameras are likely to be called the Nikon Z6 Z7 and the Nikon mirrorless lenses could be something pretty spectacular too. The Nikon f/0.95 lens. Say what!!!!!!! This could make the Nikon mirrorless camera full frame one of the most desirable cameras on the market. the Nikon z6 z7 comers will be 24mp and a huge 45 mp. wow. Nikon’s mirrorless camera video capabilities are going to be up there too. 4k recording at 30fps and who knows maybe time-lapse recording at 8K. wow. Nikon’s mirrorless camera leak have been happening to create some awesome buzz around their new system.

Bloomberg: Nikon and Canon face a threat from Sony. But Nikon may change this soon…

Bloomberg reports how Nikon and Canon dominancy is threatened by Sony’s new mirrorless camera. For Blooberg analysts the only way for Canon and Nikon to stop Sony is to launch their own mirorrless Full Frame cameras:

Nikon is working on its first full-frame mirrorless camera, with more details of the device due to be announced on Aug. 23.
Canon hasn’t disclosed any concrete plans; they’re “within the scope of development,” a company spokesman said. “The hurdle for Sony is still high,” said Tomonori Igari, an editor at Asahi Camera. “It depends on how much they commit to creating a support structure, and also on Nikon and Canon’s mirrorless strategy.”

The impossible comparisons: Nikon vs Elefant vs supersampled Sony A7 :)

People is spending a lot of effort to make size comparison between the new Nikon mirrorless and other cameras. So let’s check out some of the crazy versions 🙂