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BCNranking for 2024: Nikon takes the third spot in the mirrorless segment

As you know BCN collected the real sale data of nearly half the Japanese Store. And they now shared the BCN Awards with detailed market share for each category of electronics. Here are the market share data with the 2023 market share in parentheses.

Digital Cameras (Mirrorless)

  1. Sony 35.8% (34%)
  2. Canon 26% (28.3%)
  3. Nikon 14.5% (Unknown, took over the third spot from OM Digital which had 12.5% in 2023)

Digital Cameras (fixed lens)

  1. Canon 23.4% (22.6%)
  2. Kodak 21.2% (20.7%)
  3. Fujifilm 15.8% (18.1%)

Digital Cameras (SLR)

  1. Canon 69.4% (77.1%)
  2. Nikon 20.9% (17.1%)
  3. Ricoh 9.7% (5.8%)


  1. Tamron 17.5% (15.4%)
  2. Sigma 16.8% (17%)
  3. Sony 15% (15.2%)

Digital Video Cameras

  1. DJI 48.1% (wasn’t ranked in top three last year and took the world by storm)
  2. Panasonic 23.8% (36.4%)
  3. Sony 23.4% (38.7%)

Action Cameras

  1. GoPro 34.3% (53.7%)
  2. DJI 32.1% (15.9%)
  3. Insta360 26.9% (18.1%)

What we learn from this:

  1. Sony managed to increase the lead over Canon from 5.7 to 9,8 percent
  2. Nikon surpassed OM Digital and now is on third spot
  3. Nikon has 20.9% in the “dying” DSLR market
  4. DJI took the video world by storm. Thank the Osmo 3 for that!
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